Monday, February 22, 2010

No baby yet.....

It has been only a mere 7 months since my last post and I keep promising that I am going to get better at blogging and I only get worse. We'll see with baby #2 only days away if I can get any better. Sorry to everyone that keeps checking but I am REALLY going to try at this again.
I am 2 cm dilated and my cervix has thinned out. My next appointment is tomorrow (Tuesday) so we'll see how things are after that. I could be induced this week but think that I am going to let my body go into labor naturally. I promise to keep everyone posted and get a picture up as soon as we can of the newest addition to the Stansell family. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers this next week or so.

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Thursday, July 2, 2009

We are still alive I swear!!!

Everytime I post on the blog I promise that I am going to get better, and everytime I seem to get worse. I don't know where the time goes these days. Life is great and we are loving summer. It is hard to believe that Hudson is almost 15 months old now. We got a "big boy" haircut this past month and mommy was sad to see the curls go. He was so good though. I thought that I would definitely have to hold him on my lap while Andrea cut his hair but boy was I wrong. He sat in the chair with his smock on and sucked on a lollipop the entire time. he didn't move or peep at all ( I think that had something to do with the lollipop.) He are some picts.

We spend most of our time these days outside playing on the boat, swimming in the pool, playing with the hose, watering everything and everyone in site, digging in the dirt, playing with any critters that we can find, pulling weeds (including mommy's flowers), and just having fun. We can't wait until next week when we get to go to the beach with the family. We hope that everyone is enjoying their summer as much as we are. I have to get better at the blogging especially since my mom and Michael are leaving in only a month and will want to see many pictures and keep updated on Hudson and his happenings.

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Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!!!

I've had the best Mother's Day weekend that started off Friday morning with a pancake breakfast. I've been asking for pancakes for months now and woke up on Friday morning to pancakes for both Hudson and I. I also was surprised with a plane ticket to see Holly in Arkansas. On Saturday we spent some time running around and then we took Hudson on his first official boat ride. I think he loved it except for having to wear a life jacket. He didn't like that so much but I have to say takes that he takes after his father when it comes to the water, and loves it. Here are some pictures of the day.

We had a great day on the water and I am sure will be doing it again soon. We spent the rest of the weekend in the back yard swimming in the pool. Hudson was really interested in helping mommy water the flowers. I think that they got a little waterlogged.

We went to church on Mother's day and all I seemed to do the entire sermon was try to not cry.
Pastor Broggi's sermon focused on The Power of a Godly Mother. I have never been more in tune with a sermon as I was with todays. It touched my heart and made me so proud to be the most important thing I can be....A MOM!!!! Hudson is truly a gift from God. As they took up the offering they showed a slide show of mothers and their children. It was at that point that I couldn't hold the tears back any longer and started crying. I think that motherhood definitely makes us a little sappier. After church we were going to meet the Stansells for lunch but Hudson was pretty tired so we came back home.

I didn't even get his clothes off before he went to sleep. We hope that everyone had a great Mother's Day. We sure did. To Nana and My Mar, Happy Mother's Day We Love You!!!

Here is a picture of Hudson last Mother's Day (only 4 weeks old)

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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday!!!!

Of course I am late at posting pictures, but for any of you that have talked to me lately, you will know that I spent Hudson's first birthday in Beaufort Memorial Hospital for my third surgery. I woke Tuesday morning with a horrible pain in my back that radiated to my front. I woke Jeremy and called my mother immediately. My mom came over and took me to the ER where I found out that I had a HUGE kidney stone that was blocking my kidney. My kidney was three times the size it should be with lots of bacteria present. They did the first surgery that morning and placed stint #1 in my kidney. I went home and returned the following morning due to the fact that I was in SO much pain and running a fever. I was admitted and another stint was put into my kidney on Thursday. This stint was supposed to be less bothersome but didn't prove to do the trick. I stayed in the hospital on IV morphine for the rest of the week. On Hudson's first birthday my kidney stone was blasted into lots of tiny pieces and my stint was removed. I came home just in time to watch Hudson eat his cake and sing him a few tunes. We of course had to cancel his party, but I think that it upset me more than it did Hudson.

I think it is safe to say that Hudson loved his first taste of birthday cake, and all of the presents that he received.
Jeremy and I still cannot believe that it has been a year already. It seems like just yesterday that we found out that we were pregnant. This last year has brought so much joy to the both of us. We truly do not know what our lives were like before Hudson. He has made everyday so precious and worthwhile. His smile definitely makes any bad day we may be having better!! Thank you Hudson for this past year and all that you have done for not only us, but your grandparents, cousins, friends, and family. You have brightened the lives of everyone that you meet and we all can't wait to be there with you while you grow and change. We love you!!!!!!!!

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Saturday, March 14, 2009

11 months old

In these past 11 months it has been so amazing to watch Hudson grow and change. I often look at him now and wonder what happened to our little baby. These days Hudson is trying his hardest to walk, loves to talk up a storm, and can't seem to get enough of exploring and being outside. Jeremy and I are constantly amazed at the things that Hudson remembers day after day and week after week. He loves it when his father chases him around the house and plays hide and seek. He has been a great eater from the start and we have started the conversion to whole milk, and of course he seems to have no problem with it. I think that Hudson would sleep outside if we would let him, or in the bathtub. Either of those places it is hard to pry him away from. He has a fascination with cars, motorcycles, and wheels on just about anything that moves. He is very determined and won't give up on things until he has accomplished the task. He loves to eat whatever Jeremy and I are eating, no matter what it is. He still loves his passy and warm milk at bed. If we would let him, I think Hudson would live everyday in only his diaper and no clothes. He seems to be getting two more teeth on the bottom with four still coming in on top. That makes us up to eight teeth total. We still don't like naps that much and think that we are going to miss out on something if we shut our eyes for more than 2 seconds.
We have so much fun with Hudson everyday and truly marvel at the joy he has brought into our lives. We love to watch him grow but he is growing too quickly before our eyes. Here are some recent pictures...

Hudson trying to drive his dad's truck

Dad trying to teach Hudson how to walk

Hudson's favorite activity (playing with the pots and pans)

Hudson trying to carry some bait for his dad

Hudson, thank you for these last 11 months. We are so blessed to get to watch you grow and change. You have brought such meaning and purpose to the lives of your father and I. We can hardly wait for all that is in store, from now until eternity. You truly light up our lives with your smile and laughter. We thank God for the miracle he has given to us almost a year ago. We love you!!!!

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On the Road.....

It seems like we have spent the majority of this past month on the road. Thank goodness Hudson has been a great traveler or we might be in trouble. My father was diagnosed with congestive heart failure along with other serious issues, so we packed up the car and drove through the night to KY for a visit. This was this first time that Hudson was able to meet his grandfather. We had a short trip but were glad to be able to visit with many close friends and family while we were there. The snow and the cold weather quickly reminded me of why I moved away from there. Here are some pictures of Hudson with his Uncle Jamie and grandfather.

Hudson wasn't so sure what he thought of Uncle Jamie's beard

Hudson and his grandfather

After a short trip to KY we were back in Beaufort for a week and then headed off for Florida with Nana and Papa. The home that we stayed in was beautiful, the beach was gorgeous, and of course Jeremy and I were sick our entire trip. I ended up with bronchitis and Jeremy with tonsilitis. Thank goodness that Hudson did not get it, because Jeremy and I felt pretty miserable the entire trip. We did manage to get a few photos when we weren't in the bed or visiting Urgent Care.

We are glad to be home and on the upswing of getting everyone better. We are looking forward to next month and turning the big 1.... it is still hard to believe that it has almost been a year!!!!

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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Still Here....

We are still here I promise. Life has been a little crazy lately and blogging (as always) has been on the back burner. We had to make an emergency trip to KY to see my dad who is very ill, went to Florida for vacation, and have had the entire family sick in the process. I promise to post pictures in the next couple of days. We hope that the sickness is going away and that we can all settle back into our routine.

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Hudson's Happenings